30+When’s Getting Married? – Try These 30+ Witty Comebacks!

Navigating the question, When are you getting married? can sometimes feel like walking through a maze of social expectations and personal choices. Whether you’re getting tired of the constant questioning or simply

want to inject a bit of humor into your response, having a witty comeback up your sleeve can make all the difference. 

In this article, we’ll explore 30+ creative and humorous replies that can help you handle these inquiries with style and grace.

So, if you’re looking to sidestep the pressure or just have a good laugh, read on for some clever ways to respond!

Why Are You Rushing Me? Are You Planning The Wedding?

When someone asks about your wedding plans with a sense of urgency, a playful retort can diffuse the situation and add a touch of humor. 

For Example:

You might respond with, Why are you rushing me? Are you planning the wedding? This reply shifts the focus onto the inquisitor, making them the center of attention.


It’s a clever way to handle the situation without getting defensive. You’re not only addressing the question but also highlighting how unusual it is for someone to be so involved in your personal plans.

I’m Waiting For A Proposal From You—Are You Asking?

Another witty comeback could be, I’m waiting for a proposal from you—are you asking? This playful jab turns the question around and humorously suggests that perhaps the person asking is the one supposed to be making a commitment.

For Example:

This response can lighten the mood and put a smile on everyone’s face. It also emphasizes the fact that you’re not the only one who could be pressured into making such a decision.


 It’s a charming way to redirect the conversation while keeping it fun and lighthearted.

Are You Offering To Plan The Wedding? That’s Quite Generous!

When faced with persistent questioning about your wedding plans, a reply like Are you offering to plan the wedding? That’s quite generous! can be both amusing and appreciative.

For Example:

This comeback suggests that if someone is so interested in your plans, they might as well take on the role of wedding planner. 


It’s a humorous way to imply that while their enthusiasm is noted, the responsibility of planning a wedding isn’t something you’re quite ready to delegate.

I’m Still Waiting For The Perfect Partner. Got Any Recommendations?

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by questions about marriage, you might respond with, I’m still waiting for the perfect partner. Got any recommendations? 

For Example:

This reply playfully acknowledges the pressure to find someone special while also hinting that it’s not as simple as it seems.


By asking for recommendations, you put a humorous spin on the situation and invite the other person to be part of the solution—though in reality, finding the right partner is a highly personal journey.

Are You Hinting At A Secret Wedding Invitation For Yourself?

A cheeky response like Are you hinting at a secret wedding invitation for yourself? can deflect the question with a touch of humor and intrigue.

For Example:

It’s a way to playfully suggest that if someone is so keen on your wedding plans, maybe they’re hoping to be part of it in a special way. 


This reply adds an element of fun and keeps the conversation light-hearted while making your point clear.

I’m Too Busy Planning My World Domination To Think About Marriage!

For a more dramatic and humorous approach, try saying, I’m too busy planning my world domination to think about marriage! 

For Example:

This reply exaggerates the situation and shows that you have other priorities at the moment.


It’s a playful way to signal that your current focus is on goals and ambitions beyond marriage. The over-the-top nature of the response helps to keep things in perspective and adds a humorous flair to your reply.

How About We Start With Dinner Plans First? Baby Steps!

If you’re looking for a more grounded yet humorous reply, How about we start with dinner plans first? Baby steps! is a great option.

For Example:

This response acknowledges the question but suggests taking smaller, more manageable steps before jumping into marriage talk. 


It’s a charming way to shift the conversation to something more immediate and less daunting.

Marriage? I’m Still Trying To Figure Out My Netflix Password!

A lighthearted and relatable response like, Marriage? I’m still trying to figure out my Netflix password! can defuse the situation with a touch of humor.

For Example:

It highlights that you’re dealing with everyday issues and responsibilities, making the notion of marriage seem like something you’ll get to in due time. 


This reply is both funny and down-to-earth, showing that you have other priorities that need attention first.

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I’m Waiting For A Sign From The Universe—Got Any Suggestions?

If you want to add a mystical touch to your response, try saying, I’m waiting for a sign from the universe—got any suggestions? 

For Example:

This reply suggests that you’re open to the idea of marriage but are waiting for the right moment or indication.


It’s a playful way to communicate that while you’re not ready to make any decisions yet, you’re still open to the possibility if the universe (or fate) has anything to say about it.

Are You Trying To Set Me Up With Someone? Spill The Beans!

A response like Are you trying to set me up with someone? Spill the beans! adds a touch of humor and curiosity to the conversation.

For Example:

It playfully suggests that if someone is so interested in your marital status, they might have a match in mind. 


This reply keeps the conversation light and shifts the focus onto the other person’s intentions.

I’m Waiting For The Perfect Match—And A Perfect Matchmaker!

When faced with marriage inquiries, you might respond with, I’m waiting for the perfect match—and a perfect matchmaker! 

For Example:

This reply humorously implies that finding the right partner is a quest that requires a bit more help.


It’s a fun way to indicate that you’re on the lookout for someone special and might need a bit of assistance in the process, all while keeping the mood light and engaging.

I’ve Got Too Many TV Shows To Binge-Watch Before I Get Married!

If you’re looking for a humorous excuse, I’ve got too many TV shows to binge-watch before I get married! is a great option.

For Example:

It suggests that you’re currently preoccupied with more immediate pleasures and interests. 


This response highlights that your focus is on enjoying life’s small joys before making long-term commitments.

Why Are You So Curious? Are You My Wedding Planner?

A response like Why are you so curious? Are you my wedding planner?

For Example:

adds a playful twist by suggesting that the person asking might be too involved in your plans.


It humorously redirects the question and implies that if someone is so interested, they might as well take on a more active role in your wedding planning.

I’m Saving Up For A Trip Around The World Before Settling Down!

If you’re more focused on travel than marriage, try saying, I’m saving up for a trip around the world before settling down! 

For Example:

This reply suggests that you have other exciting plans and priorities before considering marriage.


It highlights your current ambitions and dreams, showing that you’re not just delaying marriage but are instead pursuing meaningful experiences.

I’m Currently Dating My Career—And It’s Going Very Well, Thanks!

For a professional twist, you might say, I’m currently dating my career—and it’s going very well, thanks!

For Example:

This response humorously indicates that your current focus is on your professional life rather than personal commitments.


It’s a clever way to show that you’re satisfied with where you are right now and that marriage is not on the immediate horizon.

I’m Still Waiting For The Right Person To Pop The Question!

When asked about marriage, you could respond with, I’m still waiting for the right person to pop the question! 

For Example:

This reply humorously suggests that the right moment will come when the right person does.


It implies that you’re open to the idea of marriage but are waiting for it to happen naturally rather than feeling pressured.

Is This Your Way Of Asking For A Wedding Invitation?

A playful response like Is this your way of asking for a wedding invitation? 

For Example:

adds humor to the situation by suggesting that the person asking might be fishing for an invite.


It’s a fun way to handle the question and acknowledge the curiosity without taking it too seriously.

I’m More Focused On Finding A Good Pizza Place Right Now!

For a casual and humorous reply, try saying, I’m more focused on finding a good pizza place right now! 

For Example:

This response indicates that you have more immediate and enjoyable concerns.


It’s a light-hearted way to divert the conversation and show that marriage isn’t currently on your radar.

Let’s Talk About Marriage After We Discuss My New Pet Turtle!

If you’ve recently acquired a new pet, you might say, Let’s talk about marriage after we discuss my new pet turtle! 

For Example:

This reply humorously suggests that you have other more pressing topics to discuss.


It’s a playful way to shift the focus from marriage to something that’s currently exciting or important in your life.

I’m Busy Perfecting My Dance Moves For The Wedding—When It Happens!

A response like I’m busy perfecting my dance moves for the wedding—when it happens! adds a fun and optimistic twist to the conversation.

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For Example:

It implies that you’re not against the idea of marriage but are focusing on enjoying the journey and preparing for it in a light-hearted way.

I’m Waiting For A Little More Romance And A Lot Less Pressure!

If you feel pressured about marriage, you might respond with, I’m waiting for a little more romance and a lot less pressure! 

For Example:

This reply communicates that you’re looking for a more genuine and relaxed approach to the topic.


It’s a way to express your desire for a thoughtful and heartfelt commitment rather than feeling rushed or pressured.

I’m Not Sure Yet—But I’m Open To Suggestions And Free Food!

A humorous and open-ended response like I’m not sure yet—but I’m open to suggestions and free food! 

For Example:

suggests that while you’re undecided, you’re open to new ideas and experiences.


It’s a fun way to handle the question while keeping the conversation light and engaging.

Let’s Focus On My Career First—Marriage Can Wait A Little Longer!

If your career is your current priority, try saying, Let’s focus on my career first—marriage can wait a little longer! 

For Example:

This response indicates that you have other important goals that you’re currently pursuing.


It’s a straightforward way to explain your focus and show that you’re not ignoring the idea of marriage but are prioritizing other aspects of your life.

I’m Still Trying To Figure Out How To Adult Properly!

For a humorous twist, you might say, I’m still trying to figure out how to adult properly! 

For Example:

This reply shows that you’re still navigating life’s challenges and aren’t quite ready for the commitment of marriage.


It’s a light-hearted way to handle the question and indicate that you’re focused on personal growth and development.

Are You Offering To Help With The Wedding Planning? I’m All Ears!

If someone is very curious about your wedding plans, you could respond with, Are you offering to help with the wedding planning? I’m all ears! 

For Example:

This reply humorously suggests that if they’re so interested, they might as well get involved.


It’s a fun way to acknowledge their curiosity and turn it into an opportunity for them to contribute.

I’m Concentrating On My Hobbies Right Now—Marriage Can Wait!

When asked about marriage, a reply like I’m concentrating on my hobbies right now—marriage can wait! 

For Example:

highlights that you’re currently focused on personal interests and passions.


It’s a playful way to communicate that you have other priorities and are enjoying life as it is.

I’m Still Looking For Someone Who Can Dance As Well As I Can!

If you enjoy dancing, you might say, I’m still looking for someone who can dance as well as I can! 

For Example:

This response humorously suggests that you have specific criteria for a partner and are still on the lookout.


It adds a personal touch to your response and shows that you have standards and expectations.

I’m Waiting For The Right Time—And The Right Person To Come Along!

A thoughtful reply like I’m waiting for the right time—and the right person to come along! 

For Example:

communicates that you’re open to the idea of marriage but are waiting for the perfect moment and partner.


It’s a way to express your readiness for marriage when the circumstances are right without feeling rushed.

I’m In No Rush—But Thanks For Asking And Offering Your Advice!

If you’re not feeling pressured about marriage, try saying, I’m in no rush—but thanks for asking and offering your advice! 

For Example:

This response acknowledges the question while indicating that you’re comfortable with your current pace.


It’s a polite and appreciative way to handle the inquiry while keeping the conversation friendly.

I’m Busy Collecting Experiences—Marriage Will Happen When It Feels Right!

For a response that highlights personal growth, you might say, I’m busy collecting experiences—marriage will happen when it feels right! 

For Example:

This reply indicates that you’re focused on enriching your life through experiences and are open to marriage when the time is right.


It’s a thoughtful and optimistic way to address the question while emphasizing your current focus.

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